Advent calendar on sustainable development 2010  December 20





2000 Watt Society: A sustainable energy vision for the future

Ten years ago, scientists at the Swiss federal institute of technology in Zurich designed the vision of a sustainable energy-future. The vision of the 2000 Watt Society calls for a continuous reduction in energy needs to 2000 watts per person and for a reduction of CO2 emissions to 1 ton per capita and year. These ambitious goals demand for a better energy-efficiency and changes in the behaviour and lifestyle of everybody.

The average European uses a constant power of more than 6000 watts, in the USA the energy consumption amounts to more than 10000 watts per capita. Thereby, we cause emissions of around 9 tons of CO2-equivalents per capita and year, although it would not be necessary anymore. Due to the available energy-efficient technologies, modern buildings nowadays spend only about one third to one fifth of the energy. This not only protects the environment, but it also saves money.

Implementing the 2000 Watt Society

Novatlantis, the ETH sustainability programme, has put together a network to implement the concept of 2000 Watt Society. As part of a partnership, Switzerland’s three largest cities of Basel, Zurich and Geneva are involved in practical applications of highly efficient technologies and sustainable lifestyles. Consequently, Novatlantis has also taken steps to spread the vision beyond Switzerland. Among its notable initiatives is the establishment of the International Sustainable Campus Network. 120 leading universities worldwide exchange ideas among researchers and make sustainability a study and research subject. Flagship projects include the Harvard Green Campus Initiative, the sustainability campaign at Stanford University and the Science City-Campus at ETH in Zurich.

Think global, act local

The 2000-watt society can not be implemented by research and science alone. Everyday we take decisions which affect our energy consumption: A person who lives alone in an old house and travels a lot uses three times as much energy as a person who lives with his family in a city-apartment, uses public transport and avoids flying often.

With the growing interest for the vision of a 2000 Watt Society, a new Competence Center 2000 Watt Society has now been set up to provide information about the vision. Another goal is to support projects realizing the 2000 Watt society.
:: Smarter Living – Moving Forward to a Sustainable Energy Future with the 2000 Watt Society

2000, Watt, Sustainable, Energy, Future

The 2000-Watt Path: Moving Forward to a Sustainable Energy Future

2000, Watt, Sustainable, Energy, Future   2000, Watt, Sustainable, Energy, Future   

2000, Watt, Sustainable, Energy, Future   

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